Prioritise time for your self-care so you can pour from a full cup

Through creative art-based wellbeing practices that nourish the mind, body, and soul

You have the best intentions - but your busy schedule and your even busier mind put a stop to any fleeting thoughts you might have about taking time to do something like art-based wellbeing.

It doesn’t matter whether:

your career is dedicated to systems change or using business for a higher purpose

you’re a climate or social justice activist experiencing anxiety over the state of the world

you’re a parent who cares about your children and the world they’re going to grow up in

you’re an art teacher who has lost the sense of play that drew you to art in the first place

Whatever your stage of life, whatever your art experience, and whether you’ve dipped your toes into self-care and personal development before or this is your first time, the well has an offering for you.

take care of yourself

take care of others

take care of the world

take care of yourself ◇ take care of others ◇ take care of the world ◇

If you're here, you might be experiencing some level of burnout because you care so much about your work/others/the state of the world. We know that the more you care, the more you risk burning out.

Because you care so much about other things, you put yourself at the end of your to-do list. Up until now, you might never have thought about taking time for something as ‘trivial’ as art and creative self-care when there is so much pain in the world, and so many things to do to alleviate it.

Yet… sacrificing yourself at the altar of change isn’t going to change the world.

You don’t have to sacrifice yourself to save others. In fact, you can’t. Self-exploitation and burnout do not pave the way to a better future.

You can treat yourself just as well as you treat others - because the path to a more just, equitable world starts with you. As someone who cares, to be able to make your contribution at your fullest potential, it is part of your work to unlearn self-sacrifice and develop your capacity to see yourself as part of the equation.

We invite you to take just a small amount of time to fill up your own cup, process the feelings you might be trying to suppress and experience how transformative art-based wellbeing practices can be for you. So you can show up to support others with even more energy and passion.

current offerings

Explore Our Journeys

Journeys: your permission slip to take the time to regenerate your mind, body, and soul through creative self-expression

No matter the journey you choose, you’ll be guided and supported through it by qualified, experienced, and welcoming practitioners who have dedicated their lives to helping people like you transmute your pain and emotions into profound insights, creativity and transformation.

  • Reconnect with yourself and the world around you in a safe, judgement-free space that transforms your state of being into one that can better help others and the world around you.

  • Rekindle your sense of creativity, play and hope - lifting you up and out of the mental place you’re at now.

  • Learn creative practices and leave with tools that you can use to reflect, heal, and grow far beyond our time together.

Your questions about our journeys

Is the well different to Art Therapy?

The well is not a substitution for professional help and therapy. It is designed to be used as a personal wellbeing practice for people who are overwhelmed and need some time for themselves. Whilst we collaborate with art therapists and some parts of it are inspired by art therapy, our offerings do not replace individual professional therapy.

Because this is a wellbeing practice, things that you would explore in therapy may come to the surface and you might experience some feelings that you’ve been trying to squish to one side. Depending on your current state of mind and existing tools, you might be able to process these by yourself or require additional support. If you are experiencing mental health challenges we urge you to also seek the aid of a qualified therapist.

I haven’t done anything like this since school - do I need to be good at art or be an artist?

No! You just need to be curious, come with an open mind, and be willing to put all your misconceptions aside about what “good art” looks like. We are not an art course and we don’t judge people on their output. We surrender all notions of perceived 'quality' of work and prioritise instead the insights you gain through the process.

I’m not sure I can afford this right now. Is there another option?

Although they often are, financial means should never be an obstacle to taking care of and expressing ourselves. To be as accessible as possible, the well offers need-based scholarships. These come in the form of reducing the cost by anything between 20 and 80%. You can inquire about one through this form here.

Are all journeys similar?

Whilst all journeys are coherent sequences of workshops that build on each other, they are quite different one from the other. For instance, Living the Questions is designed to allow you to go deep into the questions you are holding, with 8 workshops delivered via written instructions. Nature Speaks is delivered through 6 videos of workshops, each going into a different element, using a different art-medium (e.g. clay, water colours, fire smoke…). Browse our different journeys to find out more about their specific intentions and design. 

How do I know which journey is right for me?

If you are looking to reconnect to nature, learn best via videos and/or are keen to discover multiple different ways of creating in a shorter time, then Nature Speaks is perfect for you. If you are holding questions in your heart, perhaps you are in a transition phase or need to make a decision, and/or you enjoy going through workshops in your own rhythm with written instructions and audios of guided meditations, then Living the Questions is a great choice. If you would rather practice dance, then check out Dancing the Elements. We recommend having a look at each Journey’s description and see which one resonates with you the most, without overthinking it. If you still have questions however, you can reach out to us via the contact form.

Are these Journeys live or self-paced?

To serve as many people as possible, we are making these journeys available to you 24/7 in a self-paced manner. Upon signing up, you will receive access to all the workshops and materials, and are able to go through it at whatever pace works for you. We will also send you supportive emails every week, guiding you through the Journey. Occasionally, we will run these Journeys live, in which case we add a weekly check-in and a community space to share our insights and reflections. When signing up, it will be indicated whether this Journey is self-paced or live.

Will I receive support?

Self-paced journeys are designed for you to go through at your own pace, in your own time. When running a journey live, we would also have a group for the community and regular check-ins. When you pick a self-paced journey, you do however have the possibility to ask the teacher questions via email if you find yourself stuck, and you also have the option to book a 1-1 session with the teacher to receive deeper guidance and support.