The well’s blog

Welcome, friend.

If you’ve landed here, it’s probably because you know it’s time to prioritise your own well-being. If not as much as you prioritise work and other people, then at least a bit more! 

You might still be struggling to take the actual steps needed to get to where you want to be, or you are in the process of implementing what you know would support you in feeling more resourced, and better able to bring your contribution to the world.

In this blog, we share musings about wellbeing, creativity, healing, and how all of this relates to changework. If you'd like to make a contribution, drop us a note.

Nora Wilhelm Nora Wilhelm

The Power of Conscious Movement

I will forever be grateful for the power of movement, the power of dancing. Over the last few years, I have been blessed to take part in magical gatherings, countless different practices, and occasionally to hold a space for conscious movement myself.

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Nora Wilhelm Nora Wilhelm

Guest Blog for Mandali: Discovering the Poet Within

Poetry, at its core, is about expressing truth. When written, and especially when read aloud, it is about meeting that edge of our (self-)knowledge, and the tender vulnerability of having stepped just beyond it.

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Nora Wilhelm Nora Wilhelm

More turtle, less hare

I have been in a big life transition for the better part of a year. A new chapter is beginning, whole new horizons and uncharted waters are revealing themselves to me.

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Amelie Reist Amelie Reist

Let nature be your teacher

A Medicine Walk is a conscious time for diving deep into a specific question, to enter a state of deep listening and to be in touch with nature as a powerful mirror.

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Nora Wilhelm Nora Wilhelm

Burn-out: am I out of the woods yet?

Burn-out threw me off my feet, off my timeline and good intentions. It caught me by surprise, though probably I was the only one to feel so. Here’s where my journey led me.

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Hi there! I’m Nora, founder of the well, and author of most of the pieces on here.

But not only! We also have contributions from our teachers, collaborators and wider community. If you’d like to share something you’ve written, don’t hesitate to reach out via the contact form.